아래 창에서 마우스 더블 클릭하면, code를 모두 선택할 수 있습니다. 그 후에 복사하세요~
# This is a config.php file for the MoniWiki
# automatically detect your environment and set some default variables.
# 2011-01-03 02:22:05 by monisetup.php
#  모니위키 디자인  #

$sitename='MR Wiki';	# 모니위키 사이트 이름
$menu=array('FrontPage'=>1,'FindPage'=>4,'TitleIndex'=>3,'RecentChanges'=>2,'UserPreferences'=>'','방명록'=>'','"관리자 소개"'=>'');

$use_smileys= 1;	# smiley icon
$origin=0;		# show upper pages like as Language/Script/Perl => Language > Script > Perl
$use_subindex=0;	# use subpage indices
$theme='azblue2Custom';	# set the theme
$theme_css=0;		# change css of theme or not
$hr='';			# obsolute

$edit_rows=20;		# editer rows
$iconset= 'moni2';	# moni, moni2, moni3
$lang='auto';		# check language automatically.
$charset='utf-8';	# default character set. euc-kr etc.

# 모니위키 경로설정 #
$query_prefix= '/';

$data_dir= './data';
$text_dir= $data_dir.'/text';
$cache_dir= $data_dir.'/cache';
$intermap= $data_dir.'/intermap.txt';
$editlog_name= $data_dir.'/editlog';
$shared_metadb= $data_dir."/metadb";
$shared_intermap= $data_dir."/text/InterMap";
$upload_dir= 'pds';			# UploadedFiles 저장위치

$imgs_dir= $url_prefix.'/imgs';
$logo_img= $imgs_dir.'/moniwiki-logo.png';

$css_url= $url_prefix.'/css/default.css';
$kbd_script= $url_prefix.'/css/kbd.js';
$logo_string= '<img src="'.$logo_img.'" alt="" border="0" align="middle" />';

$path='/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin';	# for unixes, RCS

$cache_public_dir='./_cache';	# enhanced caching


# 모니위키 Processor Options #
$inline_latex=1;	# 0/1(on/off), mimetex, itex, etc.

$vim_options='+"set encoding=UTF-8"';	# for UTF-8 wikis

# alternatively you can use the $javascripts option (more inteligent method)
#	'js/i18n.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg/Util.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg/Toolbar.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg/Wikitext.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg/Preview.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg/HTML.js',
#	'Wikiwyg/lib/Wikiwyg/Wysiwyg.js',
#	'ajax.js',
#	'moniwyg.js',
#	'ASCIIMathML.js',
#    'autosave.js');;

# SyntaxHighlighter 3.0.83
<script type="text/javascript" src="$url_prefix/local/js/sh3.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$url_prefix/local/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shCore.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$url_prefix/local/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shThemeEclipse.css" />

# 모니위키 시스템 설정 #
$robots='googlebot|yahoo'; # set robots

<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<link rel="Start" href="FrontPage" />
<link rel="Index" href="TitleIndex" />
<link rel="Help" href="HelpOnFormatting" />
<link rel="Copyright" href="FrontPage" />
<link rel="Search" href="FindPage" />
<link rel="Glossary" href="WordIndex" />
<link rel="Alternate History" title="Page History" href="?action=info" />
<link rel="Alternate" title="xml" type="application/rss+xml" href="?action=rss_rc" />
<link rel="Alternate" title="Wiki Markup" type="text/plain" href="?action=raw" />


# 모니위키 권한 설정 #

$upload_masters=array('파초','icehit3');	# 파일 업로드 제한 해제 설정

# some allowed file extension to upload.

# 모니위키 추가기능  #

$use_counter= 1;	# counter
$use_fakemtime=0;	# dir mtime emulation for FAT filesytem.
$use_hostname= 1;	# use hostname or ip address
$mask_hostname=1;	# hide some part of hostnames or ip addresses
$show_hosts=1; 		# RecentChanges에 고친이가 표시됨

$auto_linebreak=1;	# NoSmoke style insert <br> automatically.
$trail= 1;		# use trailer (navagation list of some recently visited pages)

$notify= 0;		# enable email notification
$use_referer=1;		# use some basic referer feature.
$use_singlebracket=1;	# '[', ']'을 사용한 문법 사용

$use_sistersites=1;	# use sistersites/siterwiki feature.

$use_wikiwyg=0;			# 1 for GUI button/ 2 to set as default behavior/ 3 to set always use GUI.




$css_friendly=1;		# for more CSS friendly support

$use_category=0;		# on/off categories list in the edit mode
#$category_regex=urldecode('%EB%B6%84%EB%A5%98$'); # a category example for Korean



$use_clipmacro=1;		# use the clip macro with the attachment macro

$control_read=1;		# control read action also
$isbn_img_download=1;	# download isbn images to local cache dir.

$use_hangul_search=1;	# use hangul search for auto-completer
$use_openid=0;			# enable openid login
#$check_openid_url=0;	# selectivly show openid icons: experimental
$use_scrap=1;		# use scrap
$use_local_translation=0;	# automatic translation
$use_pageindex=1;	# pagename indexer for fast RandomPage

# keywords options
$use_tagging='[http://?action=keywords&all=1 Tags]: [[Keywords]]';
#$use_tagging='[http://?action=keywords&amp;all=1 Tags]: [[Keywords]]';
$use_ticket=1; # use ticket image to block spam bots. 

$external_target= '_blank';	# 외부링크 새창으로 열기
$use_save_refresh= -1;		# 글 저장 후, 바로 페이지 갱신
$rc_strimwidth=0;		# ResentChanges 페이지 제목 글자 수 제한 없애기

$use_alias=1;                   # 페이지 별명 기능 설정

$use_easyalias=1; # direct linking to the dest page
#$submenu='SubMenu';		# 사이드바의 서브메뉴 설정

$mediawiki_style=0; # 0: wikiCreole style [[foo bar]]=>[[FooBar]], 1: mediawiki style preserve white spaces

#$actions= array('DeletePage','LikePages','?action=new 새 문서 작성'); 	# customized act list
$myplugins=array('슬라이드쇼'=>'SlideShow','각주'=>'FootNote','목차'=>'TableOfContents','만기기간'=>'DueDate','네비게이션'=>'Navigation','랜덤페이지'=>'RandomPage','랜덤인용'=>'RandomQuote','랜덤배너'=>'RandomBanner','막대그래프'=>'Bar','달력'=>'Calendar','카테고리'=>'Category','댓글'=>'Comment','전체검색'=>'FullSearch','전체페이지수'=>'PageCount','페이지조회수'=>'PageHits','페이지목록'=>'PageList','페이지연결목록'=>'PageLinks','재생'=>'Play','플러그인정보'=>'PluginInfo','바뀐글'=>'RecentChanges','제목찾기'=>'TitleSearch','단어목차'=>'WordIndex','인터위키'=>'InterWiki','시스템정보'=>'SystemInfo','사용자환경설정'=>'UserPreferences','줄바꿈'=>'BR','블로그입력'=>'Blog','블로그기록'=>'BlogArchives','블로그변경내역'=>'BlogChanges','줄임말'=>'abbr','날짜'=>'Date','날짜시간'=>'DateTime','갤러리'=>'Gallery','이메일'=>'MailTo','스크랩'=>'Scrap','위키여행'=>'Tour','투표'=>'Vote');	#매크로 별명 설정
$title_rule = '((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]+[a-z0-9]*|\/|(?<=[\/]))'; #Page Name을 Title로 변화시키면서 부드럽게 띄어쓰기를 넣어줄 때 사용되는 정규식 표현


#$blacklist=''; # block ip
$blacklist=''; # block ip

#20111002 추가 (1.1.6 config.default.php 파일 참고)
$use_namespace=1;  #dokuwiki식 네임스페이스 사용. 네임스페이스로 지정한 텍스트 파일은 별개의 폴더에 저장된다.
$use_textbrowsers=1; # check some textbased browsers
$use_backlinks=1; # set default fullsearch behavior as backlinks search
$use_smartdiff=1; # use the experimental smart diff XXX
$hide_actions=1; # hide actions list for anonymous user
#$info_options='ago,simple'; # default Info macro options
$use_userlink=1; # replace the UserPreference link to the UserHomePage
$use_indexer=1; # dynamic update the fulltext.db to use FastSearch plugin
설정 1개 ($mediawiki_style=1; ) 및 테마 CSS (우측 sidebar의 keywords font size 증가) 수정 필요 -- 파초 2012-10-22 14:56:33
--> 수정 완료. keywords font siz는 ./plugin/keywords.php에서 아래 항목을 수정하면 된다.
Retrieved from http://memorecycle.com/w/wiki.php/모니위키/배포계획/config
last modified 2016-03-04 23:10:10